Thursday 16 March 2017

Ethereum Price Takes Off

Price DOUBLES In One Week !!

(Price correct as at 11:59pm GMT on 15th March 2017)

Despite the SEC rejecting the Bitcoin ETF decision, confidence (as determined by volume of money) has never been higher in crypto-currencies !

Ethereum has now smashed the $3 Billion market cap, making it by far the second most valuable behind Bitcoin at just over $20 Billion

No other currency has even come close to hitting the $1 Billion market cap...although I am sure it won't be long before more do...

The price of Dash has skyrocketed this week, trading at around $22 just 7 days ago, and today it temporarily passed $100 !

Each crypto-currency offers slightly different benefits, so in my mind I have absolutely no doubt that many of these will become as common as Euro's, Dollars and Sterling in the not too distant future (probably immediately after the US Dollar crashes).

Ethereum for instance processes transactions much faster and also has the backing of some IT giants with the adaptation of mobile Apps high on the agenda which will make Ethereum much more usable and mainstream than Bitcoin is right now.

I would probably compare Bitcoin and Ethereum to Gold and Silver...

Gold bars are the storage of most of your wealth, and maybe sit tucked away in a vault somewhere (just like you would Bitcoin).....and Silver is what you use for day to day smaller transactions to buy your shopping etc (just like Ethereum)

The Future

Personally I cannot see the fiat currencies of the world holding up much longer.

And with crypto-currencies already in waiting to take over, I think we have the perfect solution for once (that doesn't involve going back to trading Gold and Silver for goods).

That said, I am still investing in physical Gold and Silver, as a balanced portfolio of investments is crucial given the financial turmoil our world is in right now.

Coinbase is the perfect place to purchase both Bitcoin and Ethereum (in fact its all they deal in).

You can use your card to purchase instantly, and you can also get some free Bitcoin if you use this link when you sign up....

Thursday 9 March 2017

Bitcoin Price Pullback

Price Drops To Recent Low

Price correct @ 3.50pm on 8th March 2017

As the decision on the Bitcoin ETF ruling draws near, the price pulls back as an investment fund sells off its Bitcoin amid speculation that the decision will not go in Bitcoin's favour.

Read the full article hear....

For speculative investors now is the perfect time to buy your piece of Bitcoin, with 0.1 costing you less than £100.

If the decision does go in Bitcoin's favour then you will benefit from the huge price spike followed by further rapid growth in price.

And if the decision does not go in Bitcoin's favour then the year is still expected to see steady growth regardless.

Nevertheless, you must view any investment in Bitcoin as a long term investment, just like you would Gold and Silver.

Decision due soon....

Numerous sources are suggesting that the decision could be made by Friday (with the original date being due for 11th March which actually falls on a Saturday.

You can read the full article here.....

Chances of Ruling in Bitcoin's Favour Increase....

After originally only being given a very small chance of having the ruling passed in Bitcoin's favour, some sources are now suggesting it being as close as 50/50, a coin flip!

Here is the full article.....

Here are some of the key passages from the article....

"It has been estimated that at least $300 million USD in liquidity would flood the market in the first week of approval. Many speculators could be pumping up the market right now, and pull their funds at the end of the week, protecting themselves if the SEC does not approve the Bitcoin ETF."

"The fact of the matter is there are two other ETFs waiting for approval behind The Winklevoss Twins entry, so its a matter of when, not if, an ETF is coming for Bitcoin."

If you want to position yourself with a small investment before the ETF decision, then Coinbase is the easiest way to get started because they allow you to purchase using a credit or debit card.

Use this link to receive a free $10 of Bitcoin on your first $100 purchase....

Do you think the ETF decision will pass in favour of Bitcoin?

Monday 6 March 2017

Bitcoin on BBC Click & Newsnight

The BBC's Technology Channel "BBC Click" Explains Bitcoin

Published on 5 Dec 2013

Isn't it a disgrace to think that the banks can actually stop us from accessing our own money whenever they want to! Shocking what happened in Greece and Cyprus!

Although as the price of Bitcoin has increased 10 fold since this video was made, any Greeks and Cypriots who invested their money into Bitcoin and still hold some today will certainly be pleased with their investment decision!

One thing to remember when watching these videos from the very early days of Bitcoin's history is that security measures have greatly increased as lessons have been learnt.

Also, the stigma surrounding Bitcoin's use with Silk Road is now very much behind us and the coin is no longer viewed only as a means to do black market trade.

BBC Newsnight Considers the Merits of Bitcoin

Published on 22 Nov 2013

A few key points to mention from this video....

The speaker who is anti-Bitcoin describes Bitcoin as a....

"Socio-Economic Movement" 
"Libertarian Movement"
"By The People, For The People"

Essentially his meaning behind these phrases are.....

"the people standing up against the government", or "anti-establishment"

(remember, this program was filmed in 2013)

I heard these kind of phrases a lot lately and they were associated with the "impossibility" of "Brexit" and "Trump", and we all know how they turned out.....

So if there is one thing the past 12 months has taught me its that "the people" are fed up with "the establishment" and have voted in the masses to demonstrate this

What Bitcoin and other crypto-currencies offer the people of the world is a monetary version of "Brexit"

In my opinion we have all the clues we could need to answer the question as to whether Bitcoin has a chance of becoming not only mainstream but in fact a direct replacement for the fiat currency we all use today

Add to all this the fact that all fiat currencies are inevitably destined to fail and you realise that Bitcoin is in fact "the right technology at exactly the right time", to step in and replace the monetary system we rely on today

Not all that long ago paper money did not the not too distant future paper money will cease to exist.......

Not all that long ago digital currency did not exist.........what does the future hold for digital currency?.......

My Advice?

Make sure you are "future proof" to some degree and own some physical Gold, Silver and Bitcoin


Sunday 5 March 2017

Bitcoin Blockchain Explained

20 minutes worth of videos that will help you
completely understand the Bitcoin Blockchain

The BBC Talking About Bitcoin and The Blockchain

A Short Introduction to Blockchain

How Blockchain Could Change Finance

Another 2 Minutes Video Explaining The Blockchain

The Real Value of Blockchains and The Crypto-Currency Technology

Still Struggling to Really Understand?
"Blockchain for Dummies"

Hopefully you now understand the technology behind Bitcoin and also appreciate how Blockchain can be used in various other ways.

The Blockchain is a remarkable advance in technology that, just like the internet, will become known as one of the most significant technological advances of its time.

Saturday 4 March 2017

Bitcoin To Double Or Triple In Coming Months?

A 10 Minute Update About Bitcoin
(listen from 14 minutes 20 seconds)

Published on 20 Feb 2017

For further information about using Bitcoins to make purchases on Amazon read this article....

As you will read in the article the transaction is actually done with the use of a 3rd party payment provider.

Friday 3 March 2017

Bitcoin at $13,000 USD by March 2018 ?

Published on 20 Feb 2017

Yesterday, the SGT Report published an interview with Clif High (creator of the web bot) in which he forecast a price of $13,000 USD per Bitcoin by February/March of next year.

Do you understand what is meant by "Fiat Currency"?......

If not then you seriously need to watch this video immediately!!!.....

Thursday 2 March 2017

Bitcoin or Gold

Which Should You Be Investing In Right Now ?

Published on 28 Feb 2017

A very interesting debate, but I have to say its disappointing to hear the Gold guy say you can't make purchases with Bitcoin when that is clearly not true

Both Gold and Bitcoin have their values currently compared to the value of the Dollar $

My strong advice is to NOT purchase shares in Gold, but to purchase it in its physical form

I would highly recommend buying some Bitcoin AND Gold so that you have spread your risk and have multiple investment streams

Act Now

If you are still undecided and yet to make a purchase of any Bitcoin then my advice would be to purchase 0.1 of a Bitcoin straight away just so that you have some stake in it.

This is because its value "could" be about to skyrocket as a result of announcements due this month (March 2017) about being accepted onto the ETF.

You can quickly and easily make a purchase with your credit card or bank card using the popular currency exchange Coinbase.

Use my special link and receive $10 worth of FREE Bitcoin with your first purchase.....

Tuesday 28 February 2017

Bitcoin ETF Ruling

Key Topics Discussed

  • Will the ETF Ruling be Passed
  • Future Value of Bitcoin
  • Block Size
  • Alternative Cryptocurencies

Published 22 Feb 17

Read "The Wall Street Journal" article about the Bitcoin ETF right here....

Do you think the US Government will approve Bitcoin to be traded on the ETF?

Its due to be announced on 11th March 2017.....