Monday 6 March 2017

Bitcoin on BBC Click & Newsnight

The BBC's Technology Channel "BBC Click" Explains Bitcoin

Published on 5 Dec 2013

Isn't it a disgrace to think that the banks can actually stop us from accessing our own money whenever they want to! Shocking what happened in Greece and Cyprus!

Although as the price of Bitcoin has increased 10 fold since this video was made, any Greeks and Cypriots who invested their money into Bitcoin and still hold some today will certainly be pleased with their investment decision!

One thing to remember when watching these videos from the very early days of Bitcoin's history is that security measures have greatly increased as lessons have been learnt.

Also, the stigma surrounding Bitcoin's use with Silk Road is now very much behind us and the coin is no longer viewed only as a means to do black market trade.

BBC Newsnight Considers the Merits of Bitcoin

Published on 22 Nov 2013

A few key points to mention from this video....

The speaker who is anti-Bitcoin describes Bitcoin as a....

"Socio-Economic Movement" 
"Libertarian Movement"
"By The People, For The People"

Essentially his meaning behind these phrases are.....

"the people standing up against the government", or "anti-establishment"

(remember, this program was filmed in 2013)

I heard these kind of phrases a lot lately and they were associated with the "impossibility" of "Brexit" and "Trump", and we all know how they turned out.....

So if there is one thing the past 12 months has taught me its that "the people" are fed up with "the establishment" and have voted in the masses to demonstrate this

What Bitcoin and other crypto-currencies offer the people of the world is a monetary version of "Brexit"

In my opinion we have all the clues we could need to answer the question as to whether Bitcoin has a chance of becoming not only mainstream but in fact a direct replacement for the fiat currency we all use today

Add to all this the fact that all fiat currencies are inevitably destined to fail and you realise that Bitcoin is in fact "the right technology at exactly the right time", to step in and replace the monetary system we rely on today

Not all that long ago paper money did not the not too distant future paper money will cease to exist.......

Not all that long ago digital currency did not exist.........what does the future hold for digital currency?.......

My Advice?

Make sure you are "future proof" to some degree and own some physical Gold, Silver and Bitcoin


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